❤Tips for a Broke Decora❤
Being broke sucks, and especially sucks when you have an interest in something that seems too expensive and therefor unobtainable. I've seen too many people say that decora fashion is too expensive and that they are too broke to even try it...
...so I want to give you my tips on how to be a Broke Decora! (i.e. a decora fashion enthusiast on an extreme budget) First, I want to cover three main tips for a successful decora campaign;
Look Alive, Be Prepared, and Act Wisely.
1. Stay Vigilant
Did you know they could sell hair clips at your corner liquor store? There's a lot of places that sell accessories and cute, cheap clothes that could help your coordinates. You could find the perfect key chain or hat at the 7/11! Don't let preconceived notions of where things are "supposed" to be get in the way of your wandering eyes-- let them wander! Take an extra minute to walk around the store before you leave, you might find something you couldn't believe you almost passed up.
2. Always keep a few dollars on you
While this could be said about most situations in life, I think it's important to keep a few extra dollars on you when you know you're going to be out shopping, whether it be for clothes or at the grocery store, or even just going out with friends. You never know when you might see the perfect little set of rings or bracelets for your outfit in the $1 section of Target.
I would like to mention that when you truly are broke, there's usually no extra money at the end of the month--trust me, I know. Instead of letting that deter you from your goal, collect change! When you come across some extra change in your bag, or have a customer at work give you a little extra tip, put it away in a small change bag. Even putting away a dollar every couple of week helps. Personally, I put all of my tips that aren't dollars into my change bag, and put the change I get from transactions at the grocery store and etc into it as well. If you don't take money out (I use my change bag for bus money ;A;) you could have as much as $10 or more in there at the end of the month, which, let's be honest, is a lot. That's like 3 meals from Taco Bell!
3. Know when to hold back (Inventory)
Sometimes when you do have some extra change, it's easy to get blown away in the moment and buy that extra pair of butterfly hair clips from your local store. This is a the ultimate pitfall. Buying too much of something that you don't need doesn't do any good, and will lead to you finding a really great accessory that you actually NEED but you can't afford. In my opinion, when it comes to decora, 'too many hair clips' doesn't really seem like a thing that can happen, but it is. You don't need a bucket load of hair accessories to have good variety, I think it's the way you arrange them on your hair which really makes the look. You could wear the same 20 hair pins for every coord and you could still make it look different and unique. A tip I suggest is inventorying your accessories and keeping track (at least in you head) what you're good on and what you might need more of. For a while, I thought I couldn't have more hair clips and pins, but 6 different outings and 1 new apartment moved into, I realized I had much less than I thought I had, so I took note and replenished with a quick 10 pack from Target ($4)
Now that we've discussed 3 very important points to managing your money and finding what you need, I hope you feel like your eyes are wider, you are more prepared for the right find, and you can act wisely with your money with enthusiasm!